Recommended products

The range of products that Donki carries is very wide, and the prices are very reasonable. The products we introduce in our recommendations are ones that our staff have actually tried out themselves, and have found to be good. These also tend to be the ones that have gotten lots of good reviews! If you’re not sure what to buy, check here first!

Recommended products

3 best Japanese Autumn/Winter food in Don Quijote to warm up your soul

Autumn just appeared suddenly this year in Japan. I would like to introduce 3 kinds of food that you can enjoy during t...
Recommended products

5 must-buy cosmetic and skin care items in 2021, recommended by Donki cosmetic buyer

Skincare products are essential companions for maintaining healthy skin, and cosmetics are also allies of beauty which ...
Recommended products

Official|6 Products to Buy at Don Quijote!

Don Quijote, located all over Japan, has over a hundred thousand items to choose from, and here are six of the most exp...