Terms of Use

Terms of Use

 This website ("Site"), including webpages whose URLs begin with http://www.donki-global.com/koryaku/ , is operated by Pan Pacific International Holdings Corporation ("PPIH"). This "Terms of Use" specifies matters to observe when you ("Users") use our Site. Your use of our Site constitutes your unconditional agreement to follow and be bound by these Terms of Use. The information on this Site is protected by laws (including Copyright Act of each country, as well as all other applicable treaties, laws, or regulations).

Scope and change of the terms

 Other websites operated by PPIH or our group companies are linked to this Site. Users should also follow the Terms of Use contained in those websites.

 We have the right to change these Terms of Use without consent of Users. In the case, the conditions to use this Site are going to be effective right after updating or modifying the terms. We are not responsible for any disadvantage or loss Users receive due to any change of the terms.

Prohibited matters

 The following acts are prohibited when Users use this Site.

  • Any act against public order and morality.
  • Any act related to criminal activities.
  • Any act which causes damage or loss to PPIH or third parties.
  • Any act which violates privacy or property of PPIH or third parties.
  • Any act which damages trustworthiness of PPIH or third parties.
  • Any act which slanders PPIH or third parties.
  • Any act of election campaign, prior campaign of election or the analogous activities.
  • Submitting false report or notification.
  • Any other act in violation of any law.
  • Any act which is judged by PPIH as inappropriate ones.

Limitation of use

 In any of the four situations as below, we might decide this Site will be unavailable or temporarily close down without prior notice for Users.

  • When we maintain or update systems and equipment to disclose this Site.
  • When this Site is unavailable due to irresistible forces such as fire, blackout or disasters.
  • When this Site cannot be disclosed online because services of Corporations for Telecommunications Carriers are not available.
  • When we decided to halt or temporarily close down the Site due to operationally or technically unexpected situations, except for the three noted above.

Policy of copyright

 Without the consent of the licensers, Users must not use any of the information provided via this Site. Duplication, modification, distribution, publishing and other use of the information beyond the scope of personal use which Copyright Act specifies must not be made.

 Users must not allow third parties to use or disclose any of the information offered via this Site, without consent of its licensers.

 When problems arise from acting against this Terms of Use, Users must solve the problems including financial trouble on their own responsibility and must not cause any damage and trouble to PPIH.

Ownership of trademarks rights and copyright

 Trademarks rights and copyright, concerning trademarks placed on this Site such as "Pan Pacific International Holdings", "PPIH", "Don Quijote", "Gekiyasu no dendo" and "Kyoyasu no dendo", other names of the products we developed, service marks and logos, all belong to PPIH. For use of the trademarks, the approval of PPIH is necessary to be issued in advance.


 We post links in this Site for Users' convenience.

 Since the posted websites are not under our operations, we are not responsible for the content of the websites. When Users would like to post a link of our Site, please send us (suchihyen@donki.co.jp) an e-mail indicating the request.


  • We are not responsible for the content of the link source which are owned and operated by Users.
  • Hyperlink destinations should be "http://www.donki-global.com/koryaku/".
  • Please do not display our Site in frames. Please display it in a separate window.
  • We do not post Users' websites as link destinations on our Site.

Use of Cookie

 In some part of this Site, we use "Cookie" to improve the quality of our Site. Our web server is using Cookie to automatically record IP/Internet addresses of Users' computers, however, the information is not for specifying an individual and it remains anonymous unless Users voluntarily submit their personal information to PPIH. Cookie is the information which records passwords and setting information transferring from a web server to users' web browsers, and it is usually recognized only by the server(sender). Cookie cannot be executed as a program, as well as it cannot transmit computer virus.

 Users can change the setting to pop the warning up when receiving Cookie, although most of the web browsers are initially set up to accept Cookie.

 However, some web pages which need authentication are not Cookie selectable, so those who changed the setting not to accept Cookie might be impossible to access such pages.


 We do not guarantee Users any matter about whether posted information on this Site is the latest, accurate, or useful.
Furthermore, we might change, add, modify, and delete the information placed on this Site without prior notice for Users. We also do not undertake any responsibility for any loss of Users caused by the addition, change, modification and deletion of the information on this Site.

Liability for damages

 We do not accept any responsibility for damage or loss arising in connection with the change, suspension, closing down, discontinuance or the others of this Site.

 When Users use this Site and cause damage to third parties, Users must solve the problems both on their own responsibility and finance, and must not cause any damage to PPIH. When Users cause damages to PPIH as a result of acting against this Terms of Use or unjust and illegal action, PPIH claim for damages to the said Users.

Personal information use

 For our management and treatment of Users' information related to use of this Site, we conform to privacy policy, separately specified by PPIH.

Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction

 Japanese laws are applied to the conclusion, effectiveness, fulfilment and interpretation of this Terms of Use. Any dispute arising from the use of this Site shall be subject to Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court as the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court, in the first trial.
